Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 195 (4)

Effects of a b-Adrenergic Blocking Agent Timolol on Intra Ocular Pressure Responses Induced by Stimulation of Cervical Sympathetic Nerve in the Cat


Department of Ophthalmology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, and 1Deptartment of Oral Molecular Bioregulation, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai 980-8575

We clarified whether the intraocular pressure (IOP) response elicited by stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve (CSN) is influenced by changes in the baseline of IOP level and by b-adrenergic blockade. The CSN was stimulated electrically for 30 seconds (10 V, 0.1-100 Hz, 2 milliseconds pulse duration) in urethane (100 mg/kg i.v.)-chloralose (50 mg/kg i.v.)-anesthetized, paralyzed cats. The IOP was monitored manometrically, and a controlled saline infusion was delivered into the anterior chamber to gradually increase IOP. CSN stimulation was delivered at the various baseline IOP levels so obtained. When required, a b-adrenergic blocker timolol (2%) was delivered into the conjunctival cul-de-sac. The normal IOP in our cats was 25±3 mmHg. This value decreased transiently on CSN stimulation. The amplitude of this IOP response depended on stimulus frequency and the pre-stimulus baseline IOP level. Topical administration of timolol increased the IOP response to CSN stimulation at a given baseline level. These results suggest that b-adrenergic blockade increases the a-adrenergic mediated-IOP reduction elicited by CSN stimulation at given baseline IOP level.

Keywords —— Intra ocular pressure; b-blocker; timolol; cervical sympathetic nerve; cat


Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 195, 219-225

Address for reprints: Dr. Keishiro Karita, Department of Oral Molecular Bioregulation, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai 980-8575, Japan.
