Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 194 (3)

Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor as a Universal Anticoagulant forUse in Clinical Laboratory Tests


Department of Clinical Hematology and Clinical Diagnostics, Graduate School of Medicine,Osaka City University, Osaka 545-8585

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a protease inhibitor of extrinsic coagulation. The present study investigates the possibility of utilizing TFPI as a universal anticoagulant in clinical laboratory tests. The optimal concentration of TFPI for use in clinical laboratory tests was found to be 1 ml TFPI/ml blood (100 mmol TFPI/ml blood); the subsequent analyses were conducted at this concentration. In hematological tests, complete blood cell count and differential white blood cell count were done with an automatic blood analyzer. The results except for platelet and white blood cell counts were similar for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-treated and TFPI-treated samples. The effects of TFPI on platelet count were more pronounced when blood samples were stored at 4°C than at room temperature. The effects of TFPI on cell morphology were evaluated by spreading blood samples into thin films and applying a Giemsa stain. The results showed that TFPI did not alter the morphology of blood cells. An automatic biochemical analyzer performed seventeen basic biochemical tests on serum samples and TFPI-treated plasma samples. The results of seventeen tests were comparable between TFPI-treated samples and EDTA-treated samples. The prothrombin time for TFPI-treated plasma samples was longer than that for citrated plasma samples. Nonetheless, in activated partial thromboplastin time tests, the addition of the reagent caused turbidity and partial coagulation, thus demonstrating that TFPI is not suitable for this assay. These findings suggest that although some tests cannot be performed with TFPI, this compound may be useful as a universal anticoagulant in the future.

Keywords —— tissue factor pathway inhibitor; anticoagulant; laboratory tests; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; whole blood


Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2001, 194, 165-174

Address for reprints: Noriyuki Tatsumi, Department of Clinical Hematology and Clinical Diagnostics, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, 1-4-3 Asahimachi, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-8585, Japan.
