東北大医短部紀要 11(2) : 195〜205,2002

(—— 分娩様式別に考える ——)

佐藤祥子,佐藤理恵,佐藤喜根子,片倉 睦*

東北大学医療技術短期大学部専攻科 助産学特別専攻

The Change of the Mental Condition of Puerperal Women
(—— The Effect of Delivery Style ——)

Sachiko SATO, Rie SATO, Kineko SATO, Mutumi KATAKURA*,
Emiko ABE* and Masako SASAKI*

Course of Maternity Nursing, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
*Tohoku University Hospital

Key words : STAI, STEIN, EPDS,産後うつ病,マタニティーブルーズ

      The change of the mental condition of puerperal women as a Parturition style independence, the investigation was carried out. As the result, maternity blues primipara mainly. especially, it was mainly observed for elective cesarean section parturitaion. And, the anxiety was high, even if it is natural childbirth, and the multigravida over the EPDS9 point in a release from hospital became maternity blues in childed one month. Then, the anxiety of the multigravida is high in case of urgent partus caesarius, andand it is necessary to improve the care.