東北大医短部紀要 11(2) : 189〜194,2002

(—— 年度別推移と母児の経過 ——)


東北大学医療技術短期大学部 専攻科助産学特別専攻

An Analysis of Transportation of the Maternal Emergency
at Tohoku University Hospital (III)

Kineko SATO, Akiko OTA*, Takako ABE*, Makiko TUSIMA*,
Sachiko SATO, Rie SATO and Sizue TAKAMORI*

Course of Maternity Nursing, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
*Perinatal Division, Tohoku University Hospital

Key words : 母体搬送,紹介入院,周産期医療体制

      We reported on transportation of the maternal emergency the first and the second. According to there reports has the number of transportation of the maternal emergency and introduction hospitalization has increased. This time we reported on the third.
@ Transportation of the maternal emergency is decreasing and hospitalization with the reference is increasing. The latter increased 2.1 times from six years ago.
A Premature Birth is the most reason of transportation of the maternal emergency and embryonic malformation is the most reason of hospitalization with the reference.
B The days when pregnant women enter the hospital after transportation of the maternal emergency extended and the rate of low birth weight infant decreased.
C Both transportation of the maternal emergency and hospitalization with the reference were same area where the patients came from. We think the factor has of medical treatment system a problem : for example a close-down of the department of a chief hospital in the area.
D Death of mother and her baby decreased greatly compared with the past statistics.