東北大医短部紀要 11(1): 115〜120,2002

―― 運転中のCardiotocogramモニタリング ――


 東北大学医療技術短期大学部 専攻科助産学特別専攻
*東北大学医療技術短期大学部 総合教育
**東北大学医療技術短期大学部 看護学科

Influence of Maternity Driving on the Pregnant Women
and Fetus: The Third Report
―― Cardiogram Monitering ――

Kineko SATO, Sachiko SATO, Rie SATO, Etsuo HORIKAWA*
and Toshifumi TAKABAYASHI**

Course of Maternity Nursing, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
*General Education, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
**Department of Nursing, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University

Key words: 妊婦,運転,子宮収縮,胎児一過性頻脈,母体血圧

  In order to investigate the influence of car driving on uterine contractions and fetal heart rates, continuous monitering with cardiotocography was carried out before, during and after driving for each 20〜30 minutes on 13women who visited the Tohoku University Hospital for prenatal care after 29 weeks of pregnancy.
  The results are as follows:
  @ The uterine contraction of the pregnant women increase during driving compared with before driving. But they were not conscious of it.
  A A few fetal heart rates―baseline and fetal heart rates variability were affected by driving. But there were not many.
  B The blood pressure of the mother's body increased during driving compared with before it.