東北大医短部紀要 11(1): 65〜75,2002



東北大学医療技術短期大学部 看護学科
*東北大学医学部附属病院 西8階病棟

Analysis of the Relationship between Mental
Reaction and Behavioral Patterns Observed
in Patients with Lung Cancer

Miyuki ITO, Ryoko ASANUMA, Minako SUZUKI*,

Department of Nursing, College of Medical Sciences, Tohoku University
*Tohoku University Hospital

Key words: 心理的反応,危機的状況,がん告知の前段階,受診行動

  Recently, cancer-carrying patients have more chances to have declaration of the disease, which may produce mental risks to the patients. Nurses need to understand the mental reaction of the patients to support their adjustment to the medical treatment.
  We studied the relationship between the behavioral patterns of patients before visiting clinics and their mental reaction at the declaration of cancer. The results suggest following considerations.
  1. The reactions patients made at the declaration were “panic or confusion evoked by anxiety”, “regression status of apathy, escape or refusal”, “recurrence of anxiety, confusion or agony by understanding the truth” and “establishment of new sense of value or self-image”.
  2. Patients with “panic or confusion evoked by anxiety” had shorter period of time from occurrence of the disease to the declaration, and had less number of visits to hospital department.
  3. Patients with “establishment of new sense of value or self-image” had longer period from occurrence of the disease to the declaration, and had more number of visits to hospital department.
  4. Nursing intervention, even if it starts at declaration of cancer, requires notice to the behavioral patterns of patients including the duration from occurrence of the disease to the declaration and numbers of visits to hospital department.