宇宙航空環境医学 Vol. 59, No. 1, 46, 2022

一般演題 3

25. Fovea interna in hypergravity exposure Rana chensinensis tadpole

Rehab Arva1, Shouyan Fan2, Han Wang2, Annie Christel Bell3, Lingfeng Gao2, Yang Wang1, 2,*

1Academic Section of Medicinae Baccalaureus
2Laboratory of Extreme Environment Medicine and Physiology Sciences, Hainan Medical University, Hainan pilot free trade zone, China
3Hôpital Militaire de Yaoundé, Boulevard de la Réunification, Centre, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Corresponding author

【Aim】 Fovea interna is the architected layers that improves the quality of the image received by the central photoreceptors. Acute hypergravity did not induced histological changes in retinas. However, gravity affect the vestibular input may have a wide range of serious physiological effects. Recently evidence indicate that intermittent exposure to hypergravity decreasing choroidal perfusion leading to choroidal thickness. In this study, we investigate the visual organ development in Rana chensinensis tadpole exposure to intermittent hypergravity. 
 【Method】 Tadpole (stage 4, 4 wks old, n=10), laboratory feeding for 2 wks, are exposures to +3 Gz in a clockwise rotation cylinder. The intermittent exposure is 10 min/day, continue 21 days. After 4% formaldehyde fixation, hematoxylin-eosin staining and retina vertical section, retinal layers image are digitalized and analyzed with NIH ImageJ software (Java 1.8.0_122). 
 【Results】 The intermittent exposure enhance vestibular nucleus excitability and evoked potentials. This further facilitate the asymmetry development in tadpole. Right eye retinas are largely extended on horizontal plate with the shortened macular axis, while fovea pit are well structured in the thickening retina. The significant overdevelopment of retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL), inner plexiform layer (IPL) and inner nuclear layer(INL)are confirmed. This further remarkable increased foveal depth and inner retinal layers. 
 【Concussion】 Fovea is the pitted invagination for high acuity vision. Intermittent exposure contributed thickening of inner retinal layers, and deepening foveal depth, have the possible to improve the perception of fine detail in right eye dominant vision.