福島医学雑誌 55 巻 4 号 2005

〔教  育〕


野崎 途也1),川原 昭久1),後藤 あや2),安村 誠司2)


(受付 2005年8月24日)

Student Report of the Overseas Elective Public Health Research Program
Designed by the Department of Public Health, Fukushima Medical University
School of Medicine: Comparison of Maternal and Child Health Care Services
between Vietnam and Japan


1)5th Year Medical Student, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
2)Department of Public Health, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima

要旨: 卒前医学教育の改革とともに,いくつかの先駆的な大学が海外臨床実習を採用している。福島県立医科大学医学部公衆衛生学講座は5年次の実習に海外研修を取り入れており,本稿では平成17年度の研修成果を報告する。
   ベトナムにおける妊産婦死亡率(出生10万対)は,日本の10倍以上であると推定される(ベトナム: 130,日本: 7.3)。日本の妊産婦死亡率については,近年その減少は緩やかであり,いまだ改善の余地はある。我々はベトナムと日本における妊娠・出産に関わる保健医療サービスの改善案を探るため,両国の大学病院と診療所の見学と医療従事者へのインタビューを行い,結果を比較検討した。ベトナムにおいては妊婦健診の内容の充実,特に地方における医療従事者の技術レベルの向上,院内感染予防の徹底,ハイリスク妊産婦の高次医療施設への早期の紹介が,妊産婦死亡率減少のための検討課題と考えられた。同国では分娩時に診療所の医師が高次医療施設を利用できる体制が整備されていた。妊婦健診と出産を異なる場所で行うシステムは欧米諸国で普及しており,日本では医師不足の中より安全な産科医療を提供するために,「産科オープンシステム」として,地域に適した周産期ネットワークの構築が今後の重要課題である。

索引用語: 母子保健,国際比較,ベトナム,日本,妊産婦死亡率

Abstract: With a recent reform in medical education, several medical schools in Japan have introduced overseas clinical clerkships. The Department of Public Health at Fukushima Medical University started an overseas elective research program for the fifth-year medical students in 2004. This is a report of the students who completed the program in 2005.
   Maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Vietnam is estimated to be over 10 times higher than that in Japan. The MMR reduction in Japan has recently slowed. We compared antenatal and obstetrical services between Japan and Vietnam and listed possible recommendations for improvements. Survey sites were two Vietnamese medical institutions, i.e., an obstetrical-gynecological hospital affiliated with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City and a private clinic in Ho Chi Minh City, and two Japanese institutions, i.e., the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Fukushima Medical University and a private clinic in Morioka. In both countries, we made an inspection tour of the institutions and interviewed doctors using standard survey sheets. For Vietnam, improvements are recommended on the contents of antenatal checkup, the level of medical services in remote areas, infection control measures at hospitals, and a referral system for high-risk cases. Recommendation for Japan is to introduce an “open-clinic system,” which enables private clinicians to utilize delivery and operation facilities at higher-level hospitals.

Key words: Maternal and child health, international comparison, Vietnam, Japan, maternal mortality rate