福島医学雑誌 55 巻 4 号 2005



黄田 光博,金子 信也,福島 哲仁


(受付 2005年10月21日)

The Health-care Seeking Behavior and Preference for Medical Service of
Outpatients in Fukushima Prefecture


Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of
Medicine, Fukushima

要旨: 住民がかかりつけの医療機関を選択する条件,あるいは外来を受診しようとする時の動機を理解することは,医療サービスを円滑に提供する上で重要である。福島県の医療サービスのあり方,また,地域医療を発展させていくための課題を考える一助とするために,患者の受療行動と医療ニーズについての調査を行った。医療機関を選択する際に重視する点について,「病院の近さや利便性」を選んだ者が多かった。手術が必要な場合,中核病院と小規模医療機関の選択は,その施設の役割を反映した回答が多く寄せられた。地元の医療機関に求めることとして,「医師の常駐」を選んだ回答が多かったが,その中身は,「夜間・休日への対応」であり,また「いつも同じ医師による診察」を望む声も多く,いわゆる「かかりつけ医」のニーズが多いものと思われた。一方,地域・僻地医療の医師の確保の方策として,「学会や専門医取得のための休暇や代診制度の充実」,「地域の経済や利便性の向上による魅力ある町づくり」という回答が多く,医師が働きやすい環境づくりと,それに向けての住民自身の参加意識の重要性が浮き彫りとなった。

索引用語: 医療資源,公的医療,資源配分,医療ニーズ,受療行動

Abstract: To provide adequate medical service, it is crucial to know the motivation to consult as an outpatient or the preference for medical services of one's family doctor. We have surveyed the health-care seeking behavior and preference for medical service of outpatients to help understanding how the public medical resources of Fukushima prefecture should be set in future, or how to improve regional medical services. Many outpatients answered that they prefer hospitals nearby or which have convenient location. In the case they were required surgical operation, their preference differed between for large hospitals and small ones, reflecting the facility's status. Many outpatients had preferred “residentiary medical doctor”, including “corresponding even nights and holidays” and “to be seen by same doctor”. It seems that having one's family doctor is a crucial factor for their preference. The ideas of “vacations” and “alternative doctors in charge” to ensure regional doctor's attendance to congress, or to get medical associations' credit, and the importance to improve regional economy and convenience were widely accepted options for residents. It is suggested that both good working environment for doctors and the partnership-consciousness of residents are essential to improve local medical services.

Key words: Medical resource, Public medical service, Resource management, Preference for medical service, Health-care seeking behavior