福島医学雑誌 54 巻 1 号 2004

〔原  著〕


井上 みき1),角田 正史2),後藤 あや2)
安村 誠司2)

2)同 公衆衛生学講座

(受付 2003年11月10日)

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Plans Based on “Healthy Parents
and Children 21” in the Municipalities of Fukushima Prefecture


1)Fifth-year Student, Basic Public Health Course, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima
2)Department of Public Health, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima

要旨: 厚生労働省から平成12年に出された「健やか親子21」は21世紀の母子保健の方向性を示す国民運動である。しかし,「健やか親子21」を踏まえた母子保健計画策定には市町村間で策定の有無や計画内容に格差が生じている可能性がある。そこで福島県内の市町村を対象に,「健やか親子21」を踏まえた母子保健計画について,その策定状況を調べ,計画の策定に影響を与える要因を検討した。
 80市町村から回答を得た(回収率88.9%)。母子保健計画の策定に関わる背景要因については,保健師数は足りないとする市町村が71.3% であった。母子保健活動に住民組織の協力を得ているのは72.5% であった。母子保健計画策定状況は「策定済」が26市町村(32.5%)で「策定中」「今年度中に策定開始予定」を合わせると7割を越えた。これら合わせたものを「策定あり」とし,「策定なし」と比較すると,「策定あり」の市町村では,人口に関する指標(総人口,生殖可能年齢女性人口,母子保健対象人口),民生費,1歳6ヵ月児及び3歳児健康診査受診者数が有意に高かった。策定要因と背景要因には有意な関連が見られなかった。策定体制に関しては,策定委員会は75.6% の市町村で設置され,9割以上の市町村で住民の関与があり,内容はアンケートへの協力が多かった。数値目標の採用は57.9%,評価計画設定は60.5%,計画の周知法設定は44.4% にとどまった。

索引用語: 地域保健,市町村,健やか親子21,母子保健計画

Abstract: Background: “Healthy parents and children 21” is a nationwide agenda for the promotion of maternal and child health (MCH) in the 21st century in Japan. An MCH plan based on the agenda is expected to be developed in every municipality throughout Japan.
 Objectives: We investigated the differences among the municipalities of Fukushima Prefecture in the development of an MCH plan.
 Methods: In April and May 2003 we mailed a questionnaire to all 90 municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture to inquire about the procedure for developing an MCH plan and examine the factors associated with the procedure.
 Results: Responses were received from 80 (88.9%) of the 90 municipalities contacted. Of the 80 municipalities, 57 (71.3%) responded that the number of public health nurses was insufficient. Community organizations collaborated in local MCH activities in 58 (72.5%). An MCH plan had been made or was being made in 61 (76.3%). The population, public welfare budget and child health check-up participation were significantly larger in these municipalities than in those where there was no fixed schedule of developing an MCH plan. An MCH plan development committee had been formulated in 31 (75.6%) of the 41 municipalities where a plan had been made. More than 90% tried to reflect the voices of community residents in the process of developing an MCH plan, mostly through questionnaire surveys. Quantitative targets were stated explicitly in 22 (57.9%) of the 38 plans, an evaluation plan in 23 (60.5%), and an announcement of the MCH plan was made to residents in 16 (44.4%).
 Comment: For this national campaign to be more prevalent in Fukushima Prefecture, the following should be considered :
(1) Covering the shortage of public health nurses by utilizing community organizations, and (2) Implementation of the monitoring and announcement of the MCH plan.

Key words: community health, municipality, Healthy parents and children 21, maternal and child health (MCH) plan